I should love April 1st… this is my anniversary date for my MVP
award. You never know if you’re going to have an April Fool’s joke
pulled on you or not. Regardless, I got the following email last Friday :
Dear Ayman El Hattab,
We are pleased to present you with the 2011 Microsoft® MVP Award! This
award is given to exceptional technical community leaders who actively
share their high quality, real world expertise with others. We
appreciate your outstanding contributions in SharePoint Server technical
communities during the past year.
I have been renewed as SharePoint Server MVP for 2011. I would like to
thank Microsoft for this. It’s an honour to be part of this vibrant
knowledgable community. It's also really exciting to be associated with
this great product "SharePoint". The product itself is fantastic and it
has bunch of talented experts in the form of MVPs and support of product
team is excellent. Moreover SharePoint community is really vibrant,
helpful and knowledgeable (You can follow the hashtag #SP2010 and
#SharePoint on Twitter to understand what I mean).
I'd to like
thank my MVP Lead Ruari Plint and my ex-lead Baransel Dogan for their
support and encouragement. I'd also like to thank people who have
attended my talks, read my blogs and participated in the newsgroups and
Last year was a very busy year and one of my best when
it comes to community participation. It ended up with three very
successful TechEd talks and my first contribution to a published book
(SharePoint 2010 Unleashed). I've big plans for the SharePoint community
this year, especially the online one.. Stay tuned!
Follow me on Twitter : @aymanelhattab
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